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Let’s value our translators!
Our philosophy: “We Win Together”

At Aglatech14, we know that our linguists are a fundamental asset that we need to invest in so we can improve our collaboration and reach the best results, together!

We believe in the “we win together” philosophy: we think and we act to build an honest relationship and to make optimal decisions. Our philosophy establishes trusts among people. Trust creates the attention and the desire to work to reach objectives together. Therefore, we care about our translators: we help them grow professionally and we offer them activities and initiatives to enrich our experience and theirs alike.

We focus on training, and this focus is the best example of our philosophy. Our team offers free training courses on specific topics, such as tech solutions in the translation industry, as well as enrichment opportunities with different subject matter experts and workshops that allow us to share opinions. Let’s not forget our students! Our training courses include options for current students or recent graduates who are interested in learning more about the translation industry.

Aglatech14 has a global community of expert linguists.

At Aglatech14, quality has always been our number one priority. Quality of our work, quality of our processes, quality of our results. We focus on quality by creating a dialogue with our translators and by organizing check-in sessions with them so we can find out opportunities for improvement and we can guide our translators in their professional growth.

Clarity and transparency are at the foundation of our work. From the very beginning, our translators receive all the necessary information to work effectively and to optimize their time. Volumes of work, technical instructions, processes, translation guides, important contacts, all these items are part of a Welcome Kit that will help resolve right away most of the issues that might arise during our collaboration. What a time-saving process for everyone!

The dialogue with our translators is constant and it is enhanced by our exclusive LinkedIn Community, which is a social media space entirely dedicated to our linguists. It features polls, popular topics, deep dives with subject matter experts, and a constant and honest discussion among members. This group continues to grow and to enrich itself and its members by sharing experiences and generating important discussions.